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I don´t wait anymore

Am I so insignificant? 
Why has God never helped me?
I have believed in Him, but it seems
He's  never listened to my screams
or cared about my tears.

I've prayed for too long years,
asking Him not to abandon me,
but He has never helped me.

Does God really exist?
Why can't he help me?
I just want a little of happiness.

I wanted to know why 
I can't have a normal life.
Why  am I to suffer and
to see the years going on,
without reaching my aims?

Am I bad, am I wicked?
Must my life be only darkness,
without living?

I was told that God is justice.
So, why has He never helped me,
when I needed the most?

Will I be unhappy until
the end of my days?

So, I won't believe anymore,
and, truly, I don't wait anymore.

Submited by

segunda-feira, dezembro 24, 2012 - 13:46

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Membro desde: 03/21/2011
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