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Giving poetic clothing to a feeling
It is to transform the life in monument.

You talk about the future and the present,
is talk of old age and child.
is to speak  about the past and present,
is to speak of illusion and hope.

It is about the love which hurts us,
It is to speak of jealousy and insanity.
You speak plant and seed,
is talk of forgiveness and mercy.

You speak of the pollen sting and honey,
is talk of defeats and victories.
is talk of lemon acidity and bitterness,
is talk of legends and stories.

You talk of the night, the moon and the stars,
is talk of clarity and insanity.
You speak of paths and tracks,
is talk of clay and opportunity.

You talk about life, heat, chill,
It is to speak of longing, sadness, joy.
It is to speak of contempt, applause and praise,
It is to transform life into poetry.
It is talk about pain, love, pain, love ...

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sábado, junho 18, 2016 - 21:23

Poesia :

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J. Thamiel

imagem de J. Thamiel
Título: Membro
Última vez online: há 1 semana 1 dia
Membro desde: 05/02/2016
Pontos: 4134

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