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Midnight Shop Windows.

  Palace corridors in percentage glory
Monetary exhibits inside museum’s story
Beckons day time in custom spirit to clean
On an astral plane machine
Selling other shops a passing dream.
Vastness surpassed for
Phantom owl


Walking pentagrams
In Satan bowl 


Bermuda triangles

Titanic flying ships


Fractal spatiality

Giving -
Infinite intelligent lips.
Melted sand barrier
Oceanic tidal wave carrier 
Silken steel shrine their pillar
As infinite channelling mirror.


Priceless night everywhere
Vampire ghosts haunting there 
Tremble on days money
Remembering plastic wrapping funny
Moon worshipers in light
Political fairies of the night
Smiling proudly in feathered down
Wearing Harrods star dust gown.
Who will buy thee!
For a token fee
No - one! !
Shop keeper away succubus
Platinum piercing cutlass.


From the universe shop
Sun arrives big top 
So fade to wither your glory
Until tomorrows dark hour story.

Submited by

sábado, janeiro 29, 2011 - 23:35

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Título: Membro
Última vez online: há 13 anos 50 semanas
Membro desde: 01/26/2011
Pontos: 422

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