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Memory of Love Departing.

Beauty such desire forever hold

With gentle eyes purest love foretold.


All time in time that led us there

Together embraced as nature fair,

And words we spoke like nightingale

Moved us both through hill and dale

Till night did fall and hold us strong

Like happy shroud full of song

So close that neither could pull away

Our hearts as one, joined until light of day.


And dreams we had whilst fast asleep

For us alone to play with and keep

But sure enough as likely be

In times of trouble not so free

That spark of child within our eyes

Now vacant and gentle cries

For all we had that past in time

Is now not yours or even mine.


Submited by

sábado, março 5, 2011 - 21:42

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Título: Membro
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Membro desde: 01/26/2011
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