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Ad Aeternum… Of dark and Bright…


Could it be as magic when you smile?
Could it be as love when you look at me?
Can a woman be as you, fragile,
And yet be so big and strong as the sea?

Perhaps I am a little nostalgic
Thinking that could be like the old times,
When we saw anything as magic
And love didn’t cost a penny or dime!

But the times in where we live seems nothing
Like it was in the past. The yesterdays
Are there just to remind us of one thing:
Tomorrow is never, live for today!

Dream less and act more, and then you’ll see
All the feelings that forever will be!

I can see, by night, on the stars, your eyes;
By day, on the clouds, I can see your hair…
But when I’m alone, I can hear my cries,
I can hear my voice screaming in despair!

‘Coz the one I love is much for me
And even the angels turn us apart,
And it seems to me that the biggest sea
Is between us. Even the ancient art

Os Lusitania will never bring us
Together. But still I try… And I try….
And I’ll try until my last loss
Take me to the field where all men lay and die.

End even there I will try to see you
Even if it is the last thing I’ll do!

I wonder if angels felt the same
For God as I fell for you! I wonder!
I wonder that if you knew my name
Could we remain as we are: asunder?

I wonder if life could be eternal
Could we both be forever together?
But even if my wonders were real,
Nothing could make them be real forever.

I wonder if I could reach your heart
And open the fortress that conceals it,
If we could continue like this, apart,
As if divided by a castle’s pit.

I wonder if I could wonder more
Even when I got nothing to wonder for?

Sadness would continue to follow me
Even when I think that I feel happy!
Death will be the only thing I’ll see
Even when I’ll live the life of thee.

How could I may feel happy when I know
That death is the only thing that’s granted,
And that someday will come. Then the sorrow
Will make me die, blow up with my own head.

And that we both could never be as one
‘Coz the difference between us is bigger
Than the vast emptiness of stone
Of the old castles build with simple air.

And that’s why I scream to the o’Mighty
Everyday form birth until I die.

I Scream! But I can’t hear my own voice.
The pleasure of others is louder,
And hides the errors of my own choice.
So I wonder if I could be stronger,

More stronger than the rest of this countries,
Could I reach to my desired heaven,
Could I drink all the tears that angels cry,
And could I be one of the elected men,

Who live in the house of Thee? Oh! Could I?
I just wonder as if my life was all
Wonderings; as if my soul could reach the sky
And need I not to be the one who crawls.

But I crawl, and I crawl, I’m just a worm,
Who needs the dirty to keep me warm.

Oh! Madness! Oh! Crazy mind of mine!
Oh! How could I have dreams of sweet love
And ask feelings from whom who shines,
When darkness covers me like a glove?

Crazy I was thinking that you would
Feel the same of me, and bring to me light.
I know that crazy I was when I should
Be thankful to the Lord for your eye bright,

When our looks meet! But no!... I ask for more.
I ask for your love, and your sweet heart;
I ask to be with you on that shore
Far from everywhere as if magic arts

Could take us from this world where we live
To that place where our love could survive.

But how could your sweet light join my darkness?
How can I, a simple force of the dark,
Dream, even with the mind full of madness,
Dream that you could love someone with the mark

Of evil? No one can ask that angels
Like you could ever love demons like me.
But I can hear the mighty God’s bells,
Playing for me! The salvation I see

And my salvation is you, only you!
Are you that can take me from damnation;
Is for you I do the things I do;
Is from you that I’ll get my salvation.

Even denying everything I had,
Or denying sadness when I feel sad!

Yes! You are my everlasting love.
You are my only meaning of life.
Like a second skin you’re my new glove
And to my heart your thoughts are like knifes.

Still I won’t give up. I’ll always be there,
Waiting, praying, for a simple eye look,
That could make my world be like a sphere
And my soul out of that awful hook

That keeps me away from the destiny
That is the sweet garden where we can stand,
Forever looking at the infinity,
As if there was no other home or land,

Just we. Only we! What a sight this is,
We both looking over the abyss!




Submited by

terça-feira, abril 5, 2011 - 13:35

Poesia :

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imagem de gaudella
Título: Membro
Última vez online: há 12 anos 32 semanas
Membro desde: 03/25/2011
Pontos: 346


imagem de André Alves


Amazing! They're Shakespearean sonnets, huh? Beautiful.

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