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The Tainted Shattered Mirrors

I feel a presence so far from near
drawing circles into a shattered mirror
the strings vibrate what's underneath the fingers
and I'd say I love you while I say it out loud
yet you cry with every song
and you as my wife
you light me more than the leader
who put us here and devices, shaking tainted mirrors

when I shake in the night for the freedom at hand
with a blanket I speak and cover up my face
yet speechless comes to frame the tainted fuse in phrases
where the lovely words drown out the pain from within
I speak of sadness yet it brings comfort within one sound, my voice

I've wandered in places no one has seen
a magnitude of feelings rejoice what hurts in a lovely manner, I do
to say i'll come back is a lie
I think I'll just stay here, to recreate life as I see it in my way
love and pure happiness
while we scream it out loud

yet you don't see the light that's within me
and that is the trouble in cause
with few devices
work of arts
and shattered taste in the reflection of what my heartbroken voice makes

Submited by

terça-feira, maio 3, 2011 - 00:25

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Última vez online: há 13 anos 47 semanas
Membro desde: 05/03/2011
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