The Everlasting Forgiveness

I was standing beneath the clouds of devastation
screaming out from the unknown
insides crying out
within I'm burning now
no one is here to catch my last breath

So I try and tell her how I feel
with all my heart I pour out in the wounds that never healed
for when she left just as you I died alone within the pain

So please let her love me
alls I ask is for her to come back
with the stars raining down
temper raised, with no one there to catch me in their arms

I felt the feeling once
I have not forgotten all of the truth
that my love is true and pure
I can't let go because I hold on to something that we both once believed in
let her go on in happiness
please awake her feelings
so she can be loved and love me back

For I cry out from on top of mountains
climbing one by one I cry out
I'm ashamed to have let her go
I can't let go
but it's time to be set free

A cataclysm storm wakes my soul within burning flames
with light so bright it blinded angels
with the anger of failing into empty space
lost in desperation
building polls of failure I raise my hand to you and to our love
so let it go, oh let it go

The sadness rains before a thousand suns
where the light that shines and leaks the sadness onto this page
forcing the equation for me to not let go
holding on to what we believe
believing in loving her
with the strength to never let go

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Monday, May 2, 2011 - 23:21

Poesia :

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