Truck and trailer tire debris, Clarion, PA 09/05/09

Truck and trailer tire debris, Clarion, PA 09/05/09

Truck and trailer tire debris, Clarion, PA 09/05/09

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Tuesday, May 31, 2011 - 20:12

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Title: Membro
Last seen: 5 years 39 weeks ago
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Joel's picture

má foto ...

má foto ...

jackM23's picture

Wow this is so amazing I

Wow this is so amazing I really looks like snake indeed. What happen on this tire?

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ccandd96's picture

We found the tire fragments

We found the tire fragments along the side of the road; I pieced them into ta pile and photographed it. Since I am a literary magazine publisher at Scars Publications (, I used this photo for book covers, including a portion of this photo for the book "Pulled the Trigger":

Charles Antônio Marques Pereira's picture

Very good!

It is an interesting picture. Looks like a snake screwed.

ccandd96's picture

I just found the tire

I just found the tire fragments along the side of the road, and pieced them into a pile and photographed it. Since I am a literary magazine publisher at Scars Publications (, I used this photo for book covers, including a portion of this photo for the book "Pulled the Trigger":

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