The Air-conditioned Nightmare

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Um misto de insanidade com o relaxamento puro de gritantes acordes, embebidos em dicotomias belas.

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Friday, January 14, 2011 - 18:13

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Nuno Baptista

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Title: Membro
Last seen: 10 years 31 weeks ago
Joined: 01/12/2011
Points: 116

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Poesia/Thoughts Cubo de Gelo 2 698 01/18/2011 - 18:12 Portuguese
Musica/Other The Air-conditioned Nightmare 0 2.767 01/14/2011 - 18:13 English
Poesia/Text Files Vestimentas 2 737 01/14/2011 - 18:04 Portuguese
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