The Agreeable Surprise

There's not a joy we have so strong,
As when some wish by chance is granted,
For which, though hugged and cherished long,
Without a hope we long had panted.

Such was my joy, my glad surprise,
When gloom around my head was closing,
To find thee, with thy ardent eyes,
Once more within my arms reposing.

You came to me--unbidden came--
And brought with you delight the rarest,
When Hope had left Love's drooping flame;
Oh day of days the brightest, fairest!

What living man more blest can be,
Or blest in more abundant measure!
Or who is to compare with me,
Possessed of such a priceless treasure!

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Monday, July 11, 2011 - 00:25

Poesia Consagrada :

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