Journey to the gates of the sun.

Journey to the gates of the sun.

My journey began among the hills of cry,
where suffering and darkness reigned.

The Angel of love picked me up
on his sailboat of crystal and severe,
leaning on the shoulder his sword of light, whispered:
"You are the son of God, a small creator
of evil, because you do not know the laws of goods and,
while operating on the belly of Mother Earth,
ignore that thought is energy that creates.
The Almighty is your father, the great architect
who created the universe with his infinite love".

His poignant voice continued:
"You're the only creator responsible
of your suffering and destiny,
from the night of time.
Remember, an uncontrolled mind will drag you
in rivers of pain between the lands of desert,
while a controlled mind will give you peace
and the end of pain".

The truth hit me, at that moment I realized that my controlled
thought would have become my sword of justice,
with whom I would have forged my future of love and peace.
I would have become like my father,
a creator of only love.

The balance picked me up and became my teacher.
I found myself wandering and meditating on a silvery,
blinding and crystallized salt lake that
led to the gates of the golden circle.

My drowsy mind lit up, then
the gates of the golden sun opened wide
and I found myself at the end of the journey,
among hills flowered of love and peace.

Submited by

Thursday, May 26, 2011 - 21:42

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Elisabetta Errani Emaldi

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Title: Membro
Last seen: 7 years 4 weeks ago
Joined: 05/14/2011
Points: 340

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