Philosophical Planet

I feel like
a tiny planet
facing in the
direction of a
universe of deaf
ears, as I revolve
in my own attempt
to capture the vision
of eyes blinded by
dust trapped within
the suns rays

If my written words
are worthless, of
no value having a
lack of vegetation
to the heart

As living waters of
the sea's never
cease to die, yet
continue the race
moving forward

Constantly asking
" would my words
be held accountable,
as a living, breathing
planet that brings
life to the deaf
and blind"

Are my words observed
as meaningless to those
with no poetic expression

Is is every writers
curse to bear a
thorn, as if to
keep the writer
in search of
the one true
poetic form

Over and over
I contemplate on
these things with
a trembling fear
of anticipation

Animus knowing the
outcome and to have
to take this to
my grave, being
selfish in my way
of seeing things.



By. Vanessa Ramos

Submited by

Monday, April 25, 2011 - 23:11

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