Counting On You

You are my best boy-friend
Like a blood brother
Whatever hat fits,
on your Kojak head

I am the princess,
you jester to revive

The first time our friendship
blossomed was in 1989 or so
My dark shadow rose
up from the dead

Never have I seen you,
keep a self vigil;
over pestering nothings

Who needs a body builder
When the man of steel,
interlocks his arm to mine

Your attendance has always been
a quantity equal to its quality
The stars tell me your real,
not a phony like the others

Dear Abby confirmed; we were
meant for each other

I luv your cooking
I luv your singing
I luv the way you keep house
I luv those deep blue eyes

All the things I luv about you
rule out all the mini minuses
I'm not ashamed to say I Luv you

When I borrow funds and stuff,
I never return it,
and you never throw that
in my face

Our friendship is my backpack
Thanks for the keys to your pad
I'm so relaxed there
Chilling on your couch
Eating your expired eggs or mayo.,lol
Watching your super-size
flat screen TV with my
hand on the mouse of
your 42" deluxe-flat screen compu
Telling you all my problems,
while you sit there;
on your lunch break
You listen to every word
and humor me back to life

The list is never-ending of
what you mean to me David Sepulveda Sr.,
"You deserve this shout out
from the one and only".

"David can you make me some Lasagna"

you answer, No empieses con la misma mielda,

and tomorrow you call me and say, Ven busca

la hodia lasagna sangana!



Vanessa Ramos

Submited by

Thursday, August 25, 2011 - 15:00

Poesia :

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Last seen: 7 years 24 weeks ago
Joined: 04/20/2011
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