Frozen Together

so i'm sitting at the corner stool
of a bar no one ever goes to
holding my scotch on the rocks
it's scotch for now,
anything to numb the pain
so i swirl my drink clock-wise in my hand
watch the liquor swirling around
watch the ice cubes spinning in circles
and try to get you out of my head

because when you came in,
you came in like...
like something that you can't escape
like that beat from the dance bar
that's stuck in your head
that makes you want to move together in time
or like your eyes, the color of the sky
or was it the ocean that i could drown in

like bright sunlight just after dawn
seeping past the window blinds
forcing me
to attention
to respond to you

like bright sunlight seeping its way
past the window shades in this bar
as i swirl the ice in my glass
now frozen together
a disc
'cause the scotch is gone

it's gone
like you
but i can't get you out of my head
so this time
maybe i'll have

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Wednesday, May 4, 2011 - 13:27

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