Going Nowhere

i'm in a plane
& the air is compressed
& it feels just like everything else
i'm in a plane
& it feels like
i'm going nowhere

every time i'm on an airplane
going across the country, going across the world
i'm in that coffin
that quaint little compressed tube
& i have no idea what it'll be like
until i step off of that place, outside

      in that coffin, i have no idea
      what my final destination will be like

when they fly you up that high
they compress that air
make it feel like generic life
that you can share with all the other generic people
& after a while
it feels like everything else
that shared air
so yeah, while you're on that plane
it feels like you're going nowhere

what will it be like
when i land

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Tuesday, May 3, 2011 - 17:18

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