Keep Them Apart

they say headlights run in parallel lines
the never touch
but you know,
when humans try to recreate science
they never get it right
and i don't care how many miles it takes
i don't care how long it takes
but eventually
they will touch
they will cross
they will intermingle for one brief moment

you think they're meant to stay apart
you think you've done everything humanly possible
to keep them apart

but they'll come together
trust me

it doesn't matter where that car is traveling
to Colorado, through Utah
to California to Las Vegas
even through Texas, past New Orleans
it doesn't matter if we have to kick people out of your home
it doesn't matter if we have to act like nothing's going on
because at some point,
no matter how far away
no matter how remote
we'll get together

even if it's only to cross each other
then go or separate ways

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Tuesday, May 3, 2011 - 18:04

Poesia :

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