Poetry from the Gut* (Grand Unified Theory)

the shamans of science and art
exploit general relativity and quantum mechanics
as they play with complex quadratic polynomials
the process becomes a universe upon itself
seeking God by defining pi
while hooked on phonics
it’s just another slice of a circular motion
a Mandelbrot fractal
a piece of android inkblot Orwellian kiwifruit
with overstated axel comma areas
that rankle g-string theory canons
tied together by the repetition
of the limited infinite use of molecular words

the ordered structure of chaos
on the predictably random stasis
of movement both physical and spiritual
reaches the domain and range
of matter and antimatter
the real and surreal
solid liquid gas and plasma
all the omniscient granite of infatuated nobility
the down and out old masters
who browbeat a time-bomb ombudsman
as unbaked unabashed unwashed
post-modernists accept
the square root of negative one
find the product, quotient and power of writing
a poem

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Saturday, May 14, 2011 - 20:24

Poesia :

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