A Vigil for Eden

she waits for her lover
        in the blue room
seated with her back
        to the window,
the view of the street
       and the rest of the world

she waits, prettied up
       with a bow of blossoms
               in her black hair
she longs for his caress,
        his smell, his taste,
                his touch . . .

she waits, clutches
        herself, envisions
               their bodies
        in a coital knot
                of love

she waits, a platter
        at her side, a vase
of fresh cut flowers
        and an apple
reminds her of the garden
        she wishes to enter

she waits, pursed lips
        and wide eyes
              open to desire
the eternal moment
        of paradise

she waits . . .

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Thursday, May 19, 2011 - 13:17

Poesia :

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