My life without you is nothing,
everything is nothing.

Don’t live me alone
on this wish for flames,
drive this burning words
every single night by my side.

When my eyes
look at you on the wall of eternity,
I see the sea on every waves of your smile.

Your happiness
around me music
from colours at the rainbow
on kissing life fly on us.

You are the line of my feelings,
you are the reason of love on this tears wings.

You are the voice of my poetry.

When you look at me,
I feel the flowers grow up
on loveliness garden wind
on my free mind about you.

All my seasons lyrics
go to the sound of the blue sky
when you say the secret births
of my middle name behind passion sun.

Your touch
is like a moon dance
on inspiration of me on you.

All stars bright
like a magic river
in your smile on my sunshine.

Take the first sunlight of my truth
on every fallen in love morning of us.

is your perfect perfume skin
in the influence romance lover letter to you.

Wild souls’
playing dying music’s
when your sadness takes my ocean body.

I feel the fear
in tear from your empty silence.

That silence is my heart broken.

Don´t go to the dark of nowhere,
stay with me in the end of this road
to my dreams come true on our immortality.

The way you want
is my break away from paradise.

Show me the love
on your lighting hand always my love muse.

Submited by

Monday, June 21, 2010 - 00:22

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Title: Membro
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Joined: 03/07/2008
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