Villain Lady-mini series

With a vengeance Villain Lady raped Detective.
The phone kept ringing loud in his nightmare,
he heard the rings, once, twice, more and
more until he realized that it was
the phone near to his bed side.

His eyes were now open, his mind wondering.
Detective reached out to grab the phone,
on the other end he heard a woman’s voice.

He had heard that voice before, she was
thanking him for the night, he was
confused “what night” he said out loud.
She answered “ Last night” his disbelief
turned into anger, he turned to where
he had placed his revolver. It was gone.

On the other end of the line there was
a buzzing,lady had ended the call. He
got up and looked out the window,
a shadow, appeared to be standing
across the street on the public phone;
next to it; a motorcycle.

He took his pants from the chair,
struggling in his some where
dazed, confusion and rage.

Stumbling to get them on
he managed to do so,
as fast as he could tripping
on his shoes and hitting his head
on the corner post of the bed.

His head was aching now,
but something more important
was on his mind, running
down the steps as fast
as he could, frantic, he
opened the front door.

Villain Lady sped away, he ran after
the bike as if he had the ability to
out run the speed of her bike. When
he could no longer see her, he began
to slow down , his movements still
jerky, his chest panting.

How could this happen? Were his
nightmares so controlling of him?
Had he met a woman at the bar
That night, and invited her for
a drink? The more he thought
about it, the answers were not
making sense.

He mumbled to himself
“cross my heart and
Hope to die”
a promise made to himself
to hunt her down, no matter
to where it took him.

The getaway went as planned.
Villain lady was again riding
on the open road, miles and
miles of empty space, she
was a graveyard ghost and
was proud of herself.

Detective headed towards
the kitchen, he needed a
cup of strong coffee to
think clear.

He walked towards the
coffee pot and noticed
his revolver laying
there on the counter,
by the coffee pot.

Again he mumbled "Bitch"
and began to pound on
the counter in rage.



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Sábado, Octubre 15, 2011 - 11:32

Poesia :

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Imagen de vanesitapoet
Título: Membro
Last seen: Hace 7 años 23 semanas
Integró: 04/20/2011
Points: 980

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