I Hate-I Loathe

I hate being caught in a storm
and getting soak and wet, but
when it is hot and humid it
feels nice and refreshing
on the skin.

Parts of me loathe
the tought of aging, as if
flowers I age, in time
I’ll shrivel up like prunes.

I hate the thought of flying,
depending on gravity and the
thrust-drag affect that lifts
me off somewhere far.

Parts of me freeze and loathe
with the thought; my mind
develops a jet lag when I
think about these things.

I hate not being a linquist
but work hard at being one,
using mental work.

Words have a fuzzy penumbra
that change the form of it all;
"thats a mouth full of words for
you". Parts of me loathe when
some one steals words right
out of my mouth.

The most thing I hate and parts
of me loathe the most, is having
to tell anyone what things I
hate and which parts of me loathe

My whole body is attached, but
every part is singled out when
it hates or loathes something.



Vanessa Ramos

Submited by

Wednesday, January 4, 2012 - 18:26

Poesia :

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