Villain Lady-mini series

She raised her left hand
grabbing tight to the
hand on her right shoulder,
but she felt a gun pressed
against her left side.

A familiar voice said
“Keep walking and
don’t turn or I’ll
fire this gun”.

Villain Lady remained
calm, she knew this
game well. She kept
walking, the gun
pressed deep against
her left side.

Intensely her mind
began to plan, her
peripheral vision
looking for a way
out, when the
voice spoke again,
“ I know your
mind Lady, one
move and you're dead"

Lady was furious now,
she wasn’t a coward!
Her switch blade was
tucked inside her black
stretch boots.

Villain Lady spoke,

with the sound of
vengeance and
laughed at the
same time saying,
“ so you faked your
death, sweet Detective”.


By: Vanessa Ramos

Submited by

Sunday, November 13, 2011 - 14:25

Poesia :

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