The ghosts

Oh, the ghosts are crying,
screaming for deliverance,
praying for mercy and 
asking our attention.

They walk, restelessly,
wondering if someone
will pity them someday.

Why can't they rest?
Haven't they be
punished enough?
Have they been 
destined to an
endless damnation?

Oh, this suffering must end.
They can't stay in loneliness
and insane sadness 
all this eternity.

Can the eternity offer only
darkness,sorrow and pain?
Won't they find peace?

Submited by

Sábado, Julio 28, 2012 - 10:27

Poesia :

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Título: Membro
Last seen: Hace 7 años 45 semanas
Integró: 03/21/2011
Points: 2453

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