The jigsow puzzle of diference in classes

no wonder on this place
just sorrow and disgrace
jigsaw puzzle
wonder of what could have been
misunderstood, unseen
just another as been
move through another one
moving to the sense pool
of what should have been
because the ones that can
only burn there own future
through what they don't understand
but they consume
and wonder in disgrace
as we pray in thunder in this place
blast them
make us all equal
and will show them ho will prevail

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Sábado, Marzo 5, 2011 - 01:11

Poesia :

Sin votos aún

Rui Lima

Imagen de Rui Lima
Título: Membro
Last seen: Hace 3 días 10 horas
Integró: 03/04/2011
Points: 1586

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