Now, we are together

We are together,

fighting for our dreams.

Now, we've become

real friends.


We've learned

to understand

each other, you

taught me to 

open my arms

to life.


I'll hold your hand

whenever you need

me to give you

a little of strength.


Come on, walk with me

under this velvet sky,

look at the stars

shining like diamonds.


This world is so nice,

let's travel together,

crossing frontiers,

knowing what it can 

offer us.


I won't be afraid

of anything unknown!

Now, we are together.

We can face everything.


Our love is our strength,

that will give us power to 

go on, to win.

Submited by

Sábado, Marzo 26, 2011 - 00:16

Poesia :

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Imagen de Atenéia
Título: Membro
Last seen: Hace 7 años 48 semanas
Integró: 03/21/2011
Points: 2453


Imagen de Joel

Now, we are together

Now, we are together

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