Rehearsed In Difference Then Tossed Aside

Rehearsed In Difference Then Tossed Aside

Rehearsed in difference then tossed aside
broken glass shatters upon hard wood floor
so weakened and absurd
not expecting water to satisfy my thirst
like the clouds that bring the darkness
while the crowd brings a sense of loneliness
then the rain fell pouring from an unknown space

Keep my words close to your heart for you my dear you know I won't be around much longer
so for the hard rain falls
all my laughter ends in emptiness
so until I let you go
yet I never knew you were never mine at all

Edging to the cliff
while my exit unfair is so absurd
while I cry for a bigger drop
the innocence bleeding wide
four feet span of opened eyes
glorified by these words delivered
while not understanding that the swirling storm was caused by my thunder
while the kiss brought me a sense of found
yet when you left I found myself in a white washed town
always afraid of losing her
she wore that phony smile on her face
I guess like a bandage to a wounded place
yet I kept the keys to every old lock just in case

Internal bleeding from the amount of nicotine
soaking through skin pours like water into thread
when my every medicine causes more illness
until I let you go
never knowing you were never mine at all

My exit unfair is so absurd
wishful thinking brought me here
I'm ready now Lord
now take me home

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Sábado, Mayo 7, 2011 - 07:48

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Imagen de ClarkthePoet
Título: Membro
Last seen: Hace 13 años 47 semanas
Integró: 05/03/2011
Points: 285

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