The Red Light In June

The Red Light In June

Fate destined
with voices following you
haunting and crucial
with the death of everything new
then I must fly farther
yet I don't see what's in light

Focus must be improved
stopping upon the move
resting on everything new
stealing a carcass for you, then feed off the virus
never understanding the battle steed

I see a red light in June
footsteps to follow, meant to vibe
off the mental mistake of life
with a sting you drive away
even though your my girl
that's alright

Never guessing the complication of what's lit up in June
messages falter to pedals in formation of lips sealed
questions with no answer
to the red lit moon
guessing it is now out of question
well that sounds absurd
with what's left of the virus
we can kill the growth of everything new

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Lunes, Mayo 9, 2011 - 03:05

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Imagen de ClarkthePoet
Título: Membro
Last seen: Hace 13 años 46 semanas
Integró: 05/02/2011
Points: 285

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