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I live alone on an island
Don’t know why
Don’t know how
But this seems to be my faith

I wasn’t born here
Neither my parents did
And although my ports are always open
Nobody ever arrived here to stay

Travellers come and go
Leaving this land always behind
Maybe that’s the way it has to be
Maybe the problem is indeed mine

But I don’t complain
At least not anymore
Because this island where I live
And where I will surely die
Is surrounded by a sea of sorrow
That with is raging tides
Keeps the all world away from me

Submited by

quarta-feira, outubro 22, 2008 - 11:24

Poesia :

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imagem de nomada
Título: Membro
Última vez online: há 11 anos 4 semanas
Membro desde: 10/10/2008
Pontos: 240


imagem de Henrique

Re: Island

Um poema bem conseguido!!!


imagem de MariaSousa

Re: Island

Gostei do poema. Essa linha pode "afogar-te" :-)


imagem de nomada

Re: Island p/ MariaSousa

Obrigado. Fico contente que tenhas gostado.
Apesar de tudo, acho que ainda consigo manter pelo menos a cabeça à tona de água.


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