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today we will not read poetry Amelie

I’m like you now
like a crocheted windows
which covers your breasts

your mouth with an apple blossom between teeth

Eve you'll not be Amelie
room may not fit your hips

you stay right
I seek you
from feet towards the shiny hair
as a winter rain

You've turned my back
I have poured hot wine among your shoulders

we begin drunkenness Amelie

you sit in the dark
I'll write a poem really tender
on your shoulder
to be as an angel
coming out of skin
bright wings

I look at you

it's night and I feel your breath
a song

as time
disappear through frozen curtains
I feel you slipping
through the peeled walls

please Amelie
delete the seasons built between bloodshot
the long paths
too long
Woven on my face

winter dress you up
and you will be snowing on me
a poem that does not need to
be read

to caress
to touch him

Submited by

segunda-feira, julho 18, 2011 - 18:28

Ministério da Poesia :

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Título: Membro
Última vez online: há 13 anos 24 semanas
Membro desde: 07/16/2011
Pontos: 239

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