on my down lip

the day of freedom (imaginary of coarse)
become increasingly more confusing

I do not find peace
I slipped like a seek child with sweet moder breast lay
on my down lip

nobody knows I tel you sober
nobody knows
during those seven days not exactly
I taught
I am or was or not
nobody knows

rinse me
spit what is left and go with the people
my father said

air suffocates me
autumn leaves
the smell of ocean ashes

I feel
a knife that moves inside me slowly

the city as a naked woman lying on green grace

oh you
who drank alcohol and words in pubs

the night break the fragile links
among people
grow mushrooms on my face

intimate objects and books the desert

my friend
body is a carnivorous plant
you did not see in him the swallows

I left my angel wings elongated shadow

my father left me from the early
the youth as a departure

I was a kid and I scatter heaps of earth
among the blocks
I was ashamed of my beloved
my soul dies in shame

but how proud he looked me
from the cedar bank

Submited by

Saturday, July 23, 2011 - 11:26

Ministério da Poesia :

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