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Vivaldi - The Four Seasons: Autumn (Itzhak Perlman)

Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) is known for his inspirational songs called "The Four Seasons". "Spring" ("La primavera"), "Summer" ("L'estate"), "Autumn" / "Fall" ("L'autunno") and "Winter" ("L'inverno") are some of the his most popular creations and they were written to go along with four sonnets called, of course, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

Autumn Sonnet:
"Celebrates the peasant, with songs and dances,
The pleasure of a bountiful harvest.
And fired up by Bacchus' liquor, many end their revelry in sleep.
Everyone is made to forget their cares and to sing and dance
By the air which is tempered with pleasure
And (by) the season that invites so many, many
Out of their sweetest slumber to fine enjoyment
The hunters emerge at the new dawn,
And with horns and dogs and guns depart upon their hunting
The beast flees and they follow its trail;
Terrified and tired of the great noise
Of guns and dogs, the beast, wounded, threatens
Languidly to flee, but harried, dies."

Submited by

domingo, setembro 4, 2011 - 01:01

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