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Beautiful Noise (Neil Diamond)

Written by Neil Diamond

What a beautiful noise
Comin' up from the street
Got a beautiful sound
It's got a beautiful beat

It's a beautiful noise
Goin' on everywhere
Like the clickety-clack
Of a train on a track
It's got a rhytm to spare

It's a beautiful noise
And it's a sound that I love
And it fits me as well
As a hand in a glove
Yes it does, yes it does

What a beautiful noise
Comin' up from the park
It's the song of this kids
And it plays until dark

It's the song of the cars
On their furious flights
But there's even romance
In the way that they dance
To the beat of the lights

It's a beautiful noise
And it's a sound that I love
And ist makes me feel good
Like a hand in a glove
Yes it does, yes it does
What a beautiful noise

It's a beautiful noise
Made of joy and of strife
Like a symphony played
By the passing parade
It's the music of life

What a beautiful noise
Comin' into my room
And it's beggin' for me
Just to give it a tune

1976 Stonebridge Music (ASCAP)

Submited by

segunda-feira, março 21, 2011 - 00:03

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Título: Membro
Última vez online: há 6 anos 19 semanas
Membro desde: 10/29/2009
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