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this is the USA away!!

the more you want the less you got
the American way is to forgot
the pain of remembrancer is to slow to thrown the word
the regret of awakening is to progress
into something you have not
the slow moving of the planet is your thought
of something you have to get
and nothing you already got!!!!

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quarta-feira, abril 27, 2011 - 12:38

Poesia :

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Rui Lima

imagem de Rui Lima
Título: Membro
Última vez online: há 4 dias 21 horas
Membro desde: 03/04/2011
Pontos: 1586


imagem de Adriana


Hi Rui :)

Interesting perspective that you are expressing about the United States - it's frustrating that a country that has given and has still so much to give to the world seems to be afloat at this time... I believe that is what happens right before change. We all loose our way at times and all of us have made choices that do not please everyone around us, but I do feel hopeful for a better America in the future - we all learn from our mistakes after actions are commited - and we can only hope that next time better choices will be made.

A nation is only human and I can tell you that the people of the United States are just like the people of Portugal - some great, some not so great and alot inbetween - we need to work together to make sure that all of humanity has a happier outcome - and that is the responsability of all nations, not just one ;)

imagem de Rui Lima

Hello Adriana, I must

Hello Adriana,

I must concur with you in some aspects.

Sure there is great people everywhere.

Even in repressive china there are millions of great people.

The mater of fact of this poetry is just the way things work in the US.

As you might for sure know, the US of A is a neo-liberal economic state. And this to do not say a totally liberal economic state. Or aggregate of states if you prefer.

This poetry was written thinking of that.

The US is a place that as the higher rates of progress in technology and economical terms world wide.
But there way(economically speaking and in that sense was the poem wrought) is to proceed always to the next level never caring if all population and the entire human kind as already reached the last achived level.

If not, they neglect, try to forget, and proceed. Despite of what or whom is left behind.
O contrair of the more "social" states in Europe.

In some manner this as given my some lights as the catholic church is always so apprehensive regarding new ideas and technologies(and no... I'm not catholic... or any other religion by the way).
But I realized that they tend to be con fast forward evolution do to the neglect of millions of humans in the process. And in a way accept that attitude from them.

And unfortunately the US, or there rulers, or there "powerful" do not.
They simply don't care, they simply don't mind, they simply neglect and try to forget. And proceed to the next stage.

An in that - as in almost everything - the US is the maximum exponent of that way to be.
This despite there are bad humans like this all around the planet and in every nation

imagem de Adriana


I understand your perspective, although I really can't agree with you in some of the aspects you have defended.

Economically there is a tendency to place their interests above all others; although we must understand that they may be first in line to accomplish those actions, it does benefits most western nations. If the americans are drilling oil, everyone is pumping their cars with it - if they are developing the internet, everyone is online. And sure there are the negative aspects to their actions (obviously), but we should not be so quick to judge since we are indirectly doing the same.

I am against all military action that is happening by the US. I have friends that are in the military and I respect them for putting their lives in sake for things that I don't believe in. Their lives are being loss, whether in death, injury or even the time they are loosing by defending not human interests, but economical ones. But we need to recall that, in these times, all nations are doing the same. Look at Portugal's case closely - the people are in debt because of ridiculous spending by a dozen in the government over many years. People have low salaries, the health and education system is a mess and why? Because their government is selfish.

What I am trying to say is that this is a global pattern - all governments are looking out for their own personal economical interests - the United States is the size of Europe and we tend to see what they do in bigger porportions because their actions have a bigger impact. But manipulation happens in all countries and this is a global problem.

And you know what is "funny"? A nation is made of people - good, not so good and so and so. But the people all react the same way everywhere - the americans are good, just as the portuguese ect. - but we all stand still and watch our governments do what they please as long as we have what we think is "enough" - it's like the saying - who is worse? The thief or the one who watches them steal? We place the leaders - it's about time that we step up and change - it starts with us. Not them ;)

imagem de Rui Lima

I must agree with most of it you said...

I understand what you are saying.


The most real thing we can do is try to change this situation. Obviously this happens because some humans think they are superior to other of us. And other think that the way to go is to live great by taking advantage over other. And this represents severe deviations of personalty commonly known and considered "normal patrons".


Furthermore I would love it if you could read this, and give me your opinion about it:


World Human society of today: Two times separated by 30 years:


The cyclical economic cycles:


technology, technology, technology there for development and wealth:


STOCK MARKETS: Its all about the game and how you play it its all about control and if you can take it:


GLOBAL ECONOMY: Large corporation vs Small/Local/Traditional Business:


Global Economy, informatics and WikiLeaks:


something WikiLeaks is missing out: The "education system" worldwide:

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