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The sweetest poem I ever wrote to the most beautiful girl

The sweetest poem I ever wrote to the most beautiful girl

Every time I hear her name, my heart is full of desires and wishes to be placed by the misses
The way she cares and the way she loves me, is in such a way that even the King of Poetry cant explain
Whenever we speak I am never afraid to be my true self and be completely honest and open with the way I feel

Something about her tells me this is for real

A love with trust a love that’s pure and true
Something tells me I was meant for you

A love with no boundaries
A love that makes me want to raise my hand and shout from a mountain view
This love I feel is like a dream come true
I am so happy that I was meant for you
I just wish the world could be a little bit more like you

This love we have is so priceless

I once thought love wasn’t for me until you came around and set me free
This is a love I will forever hold and forever cherish for as long as I am yours and even past the day I perish

I'm so happy that I met this beautiful girl

So now I found the one that cares for me the most
And I will do whatever it takes to make you smile and to make you understand
What a lucky man I am to find someone who understands
A girl that will do anything just to please her man and prove that she is pure and true
You are perfect just like a dream come true

You make me forget about all I have been through
I feel as if I am the happiest man alive
And to keep your love I will take any dive

You mean the world to me
And that’s the truth
And that’s why I wrote the sweetest poem to the most beautiful girl
And baby that’s you
Thank you for making my dreams come

Submited by

segunda-feira, maio 2, 2011 - 23:20

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Título: Membro
Última vez online: há 13 anos 46 semanas
Membro desde: 05/02/2011
Pontos: 285

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