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The Tiger And The Monkey

Once upon a time there was a tiger, that walked on the urban jungles of Bisloa. This tiger was huge, a true beast of his kind. Always looking arround looking for something that he misses for long.

One day he found that special thing that he waited for so long. But Destiny was not good to him. Instead of another tiger, he found a monkey. This can't be. How can a Tiger and a Monkey be together?

But the Tiger tryed. And Tryed. And Tryed. And Tryed. But everything the tiger done, the monkey saw as a threat.

The tiger tryed to say that he was not bad, that he wouldn't do anything to the monkey. That he would be a friend to the monkey. But all the monkey saw was a tiger, and tigers can kill monkeys, and tigers can eat monkeys.

And the tiger tryed. And Tryed. And Tryed. And tryed. The tiger start to eat grass, climb into the trees and jump from treebranch to treebranch just like a monkey.He tryed anything that could show the monkey he was true

He tryed and he tryed to show the monkey that he wouldn't do any harm to her, that he was sorry for his past. He tryed to show the monkey that he will be there for her everyday. That all he ever wanted was to be around laugh when she laughs, comform her when she cries.

But all she sees is a Tiger. A predator. A killer.

The Tiger start to walk on moving sands. Everything he done put him away from the monkey. He tryed to sing but all she hear was a roar.

The tiger left wishing that the monkey just understant that he mean no harm to her. wishing that the monkey could understand that he would never kill her, but was prepared to die for her.

The tiger leave. I think he still wonders through the jungle of Bisloa. So if you see a tiger jumping the treebranchs or eating grass, you'll know he was the tiger of this story. He is still crying for the monkey. And the monkey? She continued with her live.

Submited by

sexta-feira, maio 13, 2011 - 15:26

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Título: Membro
Última vez online: há 12 anos 19 semanas
Membro desde: 03/25/2011
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