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Demons of the cold
Demons of the cold
Let’s the light shining and the glare of the glaciers
shine of white-silver without the long trails of blood
of the seals and bears exterminated by the demons of cold.
Stop the murderers called fishermen and hunters,
who exterminate the whales, dolphins, seals and bears
for a bit of money that drips with blood.
Demons of the cold, stop to cruelty and ignorance that
blind and spread from the limited minds of selfishness.
Let’s save our planet of bright light,
from the sick and corrupted mind of man.
Demons of the cold, let the beauty
of our glaciers glow at the rosy dawns and at the colourful
sunsets with their seals and its polar bears.
Demons of the ocean, let the seas be habited
from whales, dolphins and from all the wonders of the seabed
Stop wild fisheries, destruction of
seabed, fault of criminals who use prohibited nets and
destroy fauna and corals.
Demons of the cold and of the oceans
let the warm rays of love melt the ice
that crystallizes the compassion in your hearts.
Stop the insensate and irresponsible stupidity
of the murderer, without respect for himself,
for nature and for the planet earth.
Let’s light shining and the glare of the glaciers
shine of white-silver without the long trails of blood
of the seals and bears exterminated by the demons of cold.
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