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Elisabetta Errani Emaldi’s premonitory dreams witnesses. A FILM FROM THE PROJECT “THE WITCH QUEEN OF ORIENT SUN”


Video 4/5 Elisabetta Errani Emaldi’s premonitory dreams witness:

Elisabetta Errani Emaldi Interviewed Shirley Kok about her premonitory dream
about the fire on board the cruise ship “Orient Sun”.

Elisabetta Errani Emaldi’s premonitory dreams witness:
Assistant Commissioner Shirley Kok
Singapore (deceased in 1999)

Shirley Kok's dream witness:
Elisabetta Errani Emaldi

After about two months that Elisabetta Errani Emaldi, Shirley Kok and Mr. Tono dreamed about the fire on board “Orient Sun” and the ship stopping before finishing the contract, the two dreams become collective premonitory dreams.

On January the 13th 1992, the fire alarm wakes up the whole crew. Smoke caused by the fire goes out from one side of the ship, nearby the lower cabins. The Captain orders to reach ship’s boat number three, waiting for the disembark, but the fire is extinguished in one hour and he orders to come back to our cabins.

On January the 7th 1992, the Charterer collects all his things and runs away just like a burglar. So the crew remained without a job.

Elisabetta had many other premonitory dreams while she was on board “Orient Sun”.

Edward Gibbs became Elisabetta’s witness, as overtime she had a dream she told him before becoming true.

All those dreams where sent from Singapore to the American Scientist
in Atlanta, Dr. David Ryback.

Elisabetta Errani Emaldi’s premonitory dreams Witnesses:

Elisabetta Errani Emaldi Interviewed
the Electrical Engineer Edward Gibbs, from England,
the Chief Engineer Peedu Post, from Sweden
Assistant Cruise Director Luisa Otes, from Australia


Elisabetta Errani Emaldi’s premonitory

dreams Witnesses:


Elisabetta Errani Emaldi Interviewed

the Electrical Engineer Edward Gibbs, from England,
the Chief Engineer Peedu Post, from Sweden
Cruise Director Luisa Otes, from Australia


 Five videos

Elisabetta Errani Emaldi’s premonitory

dreams witnesses.





Elisabetta Errani Emaldi’s True stories




 ìLogline of the screenplay

 "The Witch Queen

of the Orient Sun",



The odyssey of a cruise ship and her crew,

 with the “Witch Queen of the Orient Sun”

 ’s premonitions.  In contact with the mysterious

Eastern world, between Singapore and Jakarta,

 threatened by racism, mutiny, hurricanes,

fires and toxic smoke, which doesn’t allow to sail.


Elisabetta Errani Emaldi wrote 4 novels and 8 screenplays. Titles:

“The Witch Queen of Orient Sun”, Lhundrup Dhechen (Great Blessing), “In the Tunnel of Death, the Labyrinth of Life”, “The Common Artisans of Love”, “Sound of the Cry”, “The  Doctor of the  Bloom Wood”, "The Doctor Mesedé of Gounou-Gaya” and "The Country of the Thousand Hills”. The stories of her novels and screenplays are true.


Elisabetta wrote her novels and 4 screenplays inspired from the mysterious and extraordinary paranormal World, in which she is directly involved.


On 1992 doctor Massimo Inardi (now dead), who was the President of the Centre of

Parapsychology of Bologna, speaking of the author and about her literary productions said:

“Elisabetta has been living for many years paranormal experiences of telepathy, clairvoyance and over all precognitive”.


Elisabetta, during her extraordinary experiences on board of the ship "Orient Sun" sent from Singapore, her premonitory dreams and a cassette with the testimonies of the officers to the famous American scientist doctor David Ryback, from Atlanta. Because of this gift, Elisabetta for many years, dedicated herself to the study of the unconscious and dreams.



Introducción de la novela y del guión

"La Reina Bruja del Sol de Oriente"

Odisea de una nave de crucero y de su tripulación,

acompañados de las premoniciones de la

 "Reina Bruja del Sol de Oriente"

En contacto con el misterioso mundo oriental,

entre Singapur y Jakarta, amenazados por

el racismo, motines, huracanes,

 incendios y humo tóxico que

impide la navegación.


Elisabetta, durante su extraordinaria experiencia a bordo de la nave "Sol de Oriente" ha mandado desde Singapur sus sueños premonitorios y un cassette donde atestiguan los oficiales de abordo, al famoso cientìfico americano Doctor David Ryback de Atlanta (GA, USA)


En sus novelas y guiones Elisabetta se ha inspirado en aquel misterioso y extrarodinario mundo paranormal que la envuelve directamente. Entre otras cosas, tambièn, el recordado  Doctor Massimo Inardi, hablando de la autora y de su producciòn literaria, habìa dicho: "Elisabetta ¨ vive¨ desde hace muchos años situaciones paranormales bajo forma telepatica, vidente y sobre todo precognitiva". Gracias a estas dotes se dedica desde hace muchos años al estudio de los sueños. Como experta en estos temas, ha participado en diferentes programas de televisiòn de emitentes privadas y ha ofrecido conferencias al respecto.


En los sitios abajo mencionados se pueden leer

las novelas y los guiones

en italiano y las sinopsis en inglés:




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sexta-feira, maio 27, 2011 - 21:09

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Elisabetta Errani Emaldi

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Última vez online: há 6 anos 51 semanas
Membro desde: 05/14/2011
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