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Callimachus's picture
A Youth in Haste
A Youth, in haste, to Mitylene came,
And anxious, thus reveal'd his am'rous...
2.442 Sun,10-Jul-2011
Callimachus's picture
Life After Death
Cleombrotus, high on a rock,
Above Ambracia stood,
Bade Sol adieu, and, as he...
2.315 Sun,10-Jul-2011
Maxwell Bodenheim
Maxwell Bodenheim's picture
Maxwell Bodenheim Poems : When Spirits Speak of Life
Three spirits sit upon a low stone wall placed on the top of a hill. Their figures are gray...
2.642 Sat,14-May-2011
Maxwell Bodenheim
Maxwell Bodenheim's picture
Maxwell Bodenheim Poems : Uneasy Reflections
Determinedly peppered with signs,
The omnibus ambles with curiosity.
2.170 Sat,14-May-2011
Maxwell Bodenheim
Maxwell Bodenheim's picture
Maxwell Bodenheim Poems : Meditations in a Cemetery
Grandiosely hackneyed subject,
I live in a house one hundred years old...
2.304 Fri,13-May-2011
Maxwell Bodenheim
Maxwell Bodenheim's picture
Maxwell Bodenheim Poems : The Child Meditates
The oak-tree in front of my house
Smells different every morning.
Sometimes it...
2.335 Fri,13-May-2011
Álvaro de Campos
Álvaro de Campos's picture
Alvaro de Campos Poems : The Tobacco Shop
I am nothing
I shall never be anything
I cannot wish to be anything.
2.593 Sun,08-May-2011
Bacchylides's picture
Bacchylides Poems : Truth
As gold the Lydian touch-stone tries,
So man--the virtuous, valiant, wise--
1.151 Tue,19-Apr-2011

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