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love, love is not prideful
love is not hurtful
love recovers from mistakes
what we had, what we had was love

memories, the joy that you gave to me
i'm holding on to something no longer there
waking up from my sleep into this reality
to realize our love is no longer here

love could've belonged to you
should of belonged to me
now there's no need, there's no need for sympathy
i never showed love to you
you wasn't enough for me
now there's no need, there's no need for sympathy

broken hearts, the feelings start of with pride
i can feel it inside, to face it would be out today
do wonder we fell apart no need to be asking why
so love we just watch, just give our love away

love could've belonged to you
should of belonged to me
now there's no need, there's no need for sympathy
i never showed love to you
you wasn't enough for me
now there's no need, there's no need for sympathy

no, i love was suppose to last forever girl
i guess i was wrong
should of given my whole life, give you the world
it's time we moved on

i'm so sorry baby
don't be sorry baby i'll always love you

love could've belonged to you
should of belonged to me
now there's no need, there's no need for sympathy
i never showed love to you
you wasn't enough for me
now there's no need, there's no need for sympathy

love could've belonged to you
should of belonged to me
now there's no need, there's no need for sympathy
i never showed love to you
you wasn't enough for me
now there's no need, there's no need for sympathy

next time i promise i will give her love
i promise i will give her love
i promise i will never make the same mistakes before
next time (?)
next time (?)
i promise i will never make the same mistakes 

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Tuesday, March 22, 2011 - 00:56

Musica :

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Title: Membro
Last seen: 10 years 48 weeks ago
Joined: 03/08/2011
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