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Atenéia's picture
You'll never be forgotten

Your light has gone forever.
You're no longer shining to me,
everything has...

8.587 2 Fri,24-Mar-2017
Atenéia's picture
We're never ready to say goodbye

When I knew you'd gone
I felt so broken.
We're never ready to say goodbye....

7.579 Sun,12-Mar-2017
Atenéia's picture
I can't understand

I can't understand anything,
there's a wall around me,
my solitude is taking...

5.005 Wed,08-Jun-2016
Seyed Morteza H...
Seyed Morteza Hamidzadeh's picture
Exile Me (Introduce of Poetry Book)

Seyed Morteza Hamidzadeh was born, raised, and...

2.068 Thu,02-Jun-2016
Atenéia's picture
You should be dreaming

You saw all the lost souls
who feel at home
only in darkness.

But this isn...

5.537 Sun,07-Dec-2014
Atenéia's picture
This way

You shouldn't speak
to make me feel this way.
Because of your cruel words

7.105 Fri,12-Sep-2014
Atenéia's picture
Why have I been alone

Why have I been alone?
I've done everything,
but nothing has helped me.

6.295 Sat,19-Jul-2014
Domaris's picture

I miss my poems

I miss my dreams

I miss my peace

My soul is weak


2.143 Tue,20-Mar-2012
scaj's picture
Triste ser-se triste

Triste ser-se triste

Como é triste ser-se triste;
Mergulhando-se na...

1.845 Thu,02-Feb-2012
vanesitapoet's picture
Tu clamor in me-Spanglish poem series

Oigo tu clamor,
los echoes are in

mi corazon,  ese
sonido se clavo,...

6.038 Mon,02-Jan-2012
huamanpuka's picture


1.954 Tue,06-Dec-2011
DanielOniGuerreiro's picture
Grey World

Sadness and Sorrow,
Together they dance
A melancholic waltz
In their...

2.271 Wed,27-Jul-2011
DanielOniGuerreiro's picture
The Hole In The Chest

In my chest there's a hole,
A hole where my heart used to beat,
A heart that...

1.766 Wed,27-Jul-2011
Seyed Morteza H...
Seyed Morteza Hamidzadeh's picture
(( Heart & Hammer ))

In the Forum of blacksmiths
Steel and iron are melted.
Someone from one side...

2.298 2 Wed,20-Jul-2011
bvb7869's picture
Bitter Garage

Bitter Garage

The kids somehow sleep in the back seat
after midnight on a Sunday...

1.152 Fri,15-Jul-2011
Seyed Morteza H...
Seyed Morteza Hamidzadeh's picture
(( A Girl Lost in Time ))

Sound of Azan
And girl ,
Standing by the street
With her foot leaning...

2.082 Tue,17-May-2011
Seyed Morteza H...
Seyed Morteza Hamidzadeh's picture
(( A trip to ancient Greece ))

Someone (who?) infected with

nightmare's terror turned

back from...

2.140 1 Wed,11-May-2011

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