The white angel of love

The white angel of love

Woman, waterfall of energy that
refreshes the man of love and
knowledge in the universe of creation.

The magnificent, the pride of the family,
the flame of high morality,
the consoler and healer of all ills.

Woman, the white angel of love,
the Mother who gives her life
for its treasures sealed in the heart,
the intelligent Dove of peace in the House.

The fawn that fights against the difficulties
with the diamant sword of patience.

The Princess of the family that grows and defends
her babies in the green lawn of life.

The Warrior who rides every difficulty
to solve the misadventures of marriage.

Blue sky who collect the stars from
firmament to enrich of knowledge her family.

White lily who came for the good of creation.

Woman, the white Angel of love,
who struggles against the difficulties with
the strength of a lion.

The precious comforter and healer
of all ills, which lights its rough diamonds
to improve the world.




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Thursday, May 26, 2011 - 22:47

Ministério da Poesia :

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Elisabetta Errani Emaldi

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Title: Membro
Last seen: 6 years 10 weeks ago
Joined: 05/14/2011
Points: 340

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