You puppet of ignorance

You puppet of ignorance

You, rapist attracted and manipulated by invisible evil energies,
that go to steal away the peace, to violate
intimacy, to destroy life, hope and
dreams of women, you do not know that you are also
devastating yourself and your future.

While you are swimming in your ocean of madness you do not realize that
you are preparing your condemns to self-destruction.
Your crimes will become your continues mental torture
that will build your own hell.

You puppet of ignorance
Just think only to your sensual pleasure, while
you're falling into the golden cage of the predator of souls.

You, spirit lost in the desert of your mind, you are worshipping
the fake diamonds of the prince of darkness.
Your sick mind does not know, because it is veiled
by the dark energy of aggression.
You lack of the ability to see
God and his divine plan because your mental blindness.
You're condemning yourself to wander in rivers of sorrow.
You are the creator of your dark mental universe and of
your disastrous fate because of the gift of free will.

You do not even realize that your inspirer is dancing,
celebrating and having fuss of you while you obey to his
bestial instincts and fall into his evil trap.
You do not know, but he takes advantage of your confusion,
selfish desires and on the fact that you do not believe in his existence.

Your mind misdirected is contaminated by
the telepathic desires of demons.

Listen to the call of the sweet Divine voice
that whispers to you the how to follow the path of light
in order to save your soul.
Turn on your inner lighthouse and cure your sick mind.




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Tuesday, May 17, 2011 - 14:57

Ministério da Poesia :

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Elisabetta Errani Emaldi

Elisabetta Errani Emaldi's picture
Title: Membro
Last seen: 7 years 4 weeks ago
Joined: 05/14/2011
Points: 340

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