Sudanese Dispatch

Aircraft let loose fire & brimstone
              wreak havoc & chaos.

Devils on horseback lead
              a cavalry charge,
death & destruction,
              a choreography of slaughter
                             & carnage.
Husbands, fathers, sons
                                            & brothers
              tortured & murdered.
Wives, mothers, daughters
                                            & sisters
              raped & plundered.

Bullet riddled bodies are stacked
              like cords of wood
thrown into an open grave
             like landfill.
Blood quenches the thirst
            of the parched earth,
decomposing flesh blends
            into sand.

Unburied bodies send a message:
            Do not resist.

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Tuesday, May 17, 2011 - 02:24

Poesia :

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Title: Membro
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