Almost Poetry (inspired by the first line of Marianne Moore's poem Poetry)

"I too dislike it: there are things that are important
           beyond all this fiddle."
That is why I am not one of those poets that sing
           songs of hey diddle-diddle.
I am not very musical or even close
           to being lyrical,
however at times I might strive to be
           a little . . . satirical.
Everyday people don’t speak like characters
          of the Elizabethan Bard
or go through life as smiley and happy
           as a Hallmark greeting card.
You see the English language has its own
           rhythm and flow
so, I let the words set the pace to the place
          where the poem will go.
My poems aren’t pornographic, racist,
           sexy or lewd
And I find using profanity every other
          word, plain crude.
I do not use iambic couplets of words
          that rhyme
because I abhor the act of committing
          nursery crime.
I choose not to sound like I'm reciting old
          Mother Goose
Or worse yet, like I'm reading some bad
          Dr. Seuss.
And I’m not hip-hop, so I won’t go into
          some cool hard-edged rap
I find it too constraining and feels
          like a trap.
Meaning is lost with words that are forced
          to fit,
because in the end it all sounds like - - - -
         you know predictable.

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Thursday, May 19, 2011 - 13:03

Poesia :

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