some moments ago I did...
Reborn in sorrow
in shadows unseen
in memories still unbeen

remembered some story's
Some lines
Some memories distant
Or future in time
Some moments

A little person smiled
and said "the near future is not pron to be good for the human kind"
I raised my eyes to the sky and frowned my eyebrows
and reflected interiorly "it's time to do something... I don't know what.. I don't know how... but something got's to be done for the common good of the species"
then I looked to the little fellow
smiled at him
and told him
"Hope... you got to make something that makes this world a better place for all of Us"
He looked me deeply in the eyes and gave me the smile of an entire species

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Sunday, June 30, 2013 - 00:39

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Rui Lima

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Title: Membro
Last seen: 1 hour 23 min ago
Joined: 03/04/2011
Points: 1586

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