Missing a Name By Ali Thaher AL Naimi

Missing a Name

all Falls are leaving me without taking the pain
and no one here hearing the claim
my lips is dry ,
the papers screaming , without a scream
all horns playing
calling ur name …
beside the history , i still in insane ,
spectrum walking around me
dancing on flame
holding my hands
in the road to meet ur name
the wall is falling
carefully like a rain ….
pushing me to cry
pushing me to go
and no one here telling me to try
to end a story without ur name
without a train ,
the desert waiting a cloud ,
an ocean staying no complain
waiting a pinnace to
i see you an angel ,
i see you no name .

a girl in blue , blonde and glow
saying her name in roses and slow
her Beauty immerses me as a river flow
i see an angel , seduction on flame
since you wear blue
the truth of love lasts on you
diana u r my joy of death ,
a reason to faith ,
But , You Are the only name i miss .

Ali Al Naimi


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Thursday, May 12, 2011 - 02:17

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Last seen: 13 years 42 weeks ago
Joined: 05/12/2011
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