You save my world,
You make me feel alive again,
Don’t leave me now.

Some words are like a rain drop
From storm under the same sadness river we are
Because I’m a darkness clouds in your sun heart.

How much I cry for you
It´s so hard to say like a child
Without ground for play
My illusions any longer.

Tears come easy
When moments are atmospheres of nothing.

A firmament of shadows
From nowhere into the blindness screams
Come from to my poison philosophy.

Seem me,
I´m not free if you die now
Because I kill our breathing on us
With grey insignias of me
In your rainbow personality.

See what I can’t see myself
In the water mirror on my tender face tragedy.

See how much dust I am
If you lost my feelings
Because forget you on my madness insanity.

Without you I am frozen men.

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Friday, January 14, 2011 - 23:08

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