A Silver Lining in the Darkest Cloud

The milk has the hidden butter,
And this is a known factor,
But only when it's churned,
Up floats the butter turned.

The mind has the God hidden,
Amidst all the thoughts ridden,
But only when it turns clean
His vision inside can be seen.

A pure mind is always pure,
Despite a noble one falls poor,
Like a conch shell burnt in fire,
Still it remains white forever.

A diamond is the diamond best,
Even if it lies in a heap of dust,
And so shines a lotus found
That grows in a muddy pond.

The pure gold is heated up well,
Hammered before it gets its pull,
And twisted into different shapes
Of ornaments kept in shops.

The ups and downs we face,
In our life long endless race,
Are the God's golden efforts
So our Souls live in comforts.

Face any trouble with a smile,
For you're sure in the next mile,
To step over diamond or gold,
To brighten up your life, behold.

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Sunday, March 6, 2011 - 01:25

Poesia :

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Rajaram Ramachandran

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