Voter’s Blues

Man, I’ve got them voter’s blues.
Looking over this list of candidates, which one shall I choose?
Big business and special interests have all made their choice.
    but I’m looking for a candidate who represents my voice.
I’m stuck with candidates ranging from bad to worse,
    they're political hacks and activists with views so diverse.
One hopeful claim’s a platform of change filled with new ideas,
    while the other preaches a propaganda of the same old fears.
We’re damn if we do and damned if we don’t.
     Maybe they will and maybe they won’t.
So, which one shall I choose?
Looking over this list of candidates, man, I’ve got them voter’s blues!

The lunatic fringe has now thrown their tin foil hats into this electoral race,
    they’re against Washington insiders, illegal Mexicans and aliens from space.
Without a well thought out plan to cure what ails our failed economy,
    they only rant and rave and it drives me insane so just give me a lobotomy.
The statesmen and politicians no longer work together for the common cause,
     they spin and spew venom pointing out each other’s personal flaws.
Maybe it is time for Americans to go out and rock the government’s boat,
     but we better be careful not to sink the ship of state that keeps America afloat.
Looking over this list of candidates, I don’t know which one I shall choose?
Man, I’ve got them god damn voter’s blues!

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Friday, May 20, 2011 - 19:00

Poesia :

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