In The End (Yusuf Islam - Cat Stevens)

In The End
Yusuf Islam

You can't bargain with the truth
'Cause whether you're right or you're wrong
We're gonna know what you've done
We're going to see where you belong - in the end

You can't bargain with the truth
Whether you are black or you're white
We're going to know who's right
We're going to see you in the light - in the end

O and every little thing you do
You'd better know it's coming back to you

You can't bargain with the truth
'Cause one day you're gonna die
And good's going high,
And evil's going down - in the end

You can't bargain with the truth
Whether you're old or young
We're going to see what you've done
There'll be nowhere else to run - in the end

You can't bargain with the truth
'Cause whether you're rich or you're poor
You're going to meet at the same door;
You're going to know the real score - in the end

And if you want to help your fellow man
You better start with what is in your hand

You can't bargain with the truth
'Cause whether you're right or you're wrong
We're going to know what you've done
We're going to see where you belong - in the end

You can't bargain with the truth;
'Cause if the world you chose
No further than your nose
Will be where the doors will close- in the end
You can't bargain with the truth
'Cause for those who were deceived
There'll be no reprieve
There'll be no time to believe - in the end

O and every little thing you do
You better know it's coming back to you

You can't bargain with the truth
'Cause one day you're gonna die
And good's going high,
And evil's going down - in the end

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Monday, February 7, 2011 - 19:41

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